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Welcome to Little Legends Blog page! We are a close-knit therapy practice who provides occupational therapy services to clients ages 0-21 years old. Each week, we have so many parents who frequently ask questions on similar topics…so we thought, why not make a blog where we can provide education and resources families can utilize to help their children and themselves succeed! We will be updating our blog 1-2 times a month covering a wide variety of topics from interventions, resources, community events, and many other areas of interest. Please feel free to submit a topic you would like to see covered below. At the bottom of our blog post, we will post any important clinic updates and upcoming events. We look forward to providing this resource to our current families and others in the community!

Each week, we have so many parents who frequently ask questions on similar topics…so we thought, why not make a blog where we can provide education and resources families can utilize to help their children and themselves succeed!

As parents and caregivers, it’s natural to be concerned about your child’s development and milestones. One area that may raise questions is primitive reflexes β€” automatic movements or reactions that are present at birth and typically fade as the nervous system matures. However, when these reflexes remain beyond infancy, they may impact a child’s physical, […]

Upcoming events

Appointment Openings

Our new therapists Eden and Andrew are beginning to fill their schedules as they are transitioning to full-time hours. If you have been waiting to get your child or teenager into occupational therapy services, call or text our office at 406-647-0042 to get an appointment scheduled while waiting times are low!

We are

We are hiring! We are looking for a full-time Speech LanguageΒ Pathologist to join our therapy team! Please visit our Career page to submit a resume..

Special Needs Ice Nights:

Little Legends Therapy will be partnering with CentennialΒ Ice Arena to hostΒ  Special Needs Ice Nights for the community with sensory friendly and adaptive activities for all abilities! Please followΒ our Facebook and Instagram (@littlelegendstherapy) for updates as we are in the beginning processΒ of planning this event!Β Β 

Understanding Retained Primitive Reflexes and the Role of Pediatric Occupational Therapy

As parents and caregivers, it’s natural to be concerned about your child’s development and milestones. One area that may raise questions is primitive reflexes β€” automatic movements or reactions that

Spring Forward with Occupational Therapy: Improving Fine and Gross Motor Skills

As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, spring is the perfect time to refresh your routines, embrace new activities, and give your body and mind a boost.

Occupational Therapy By Age #5: High School

Understanding Outpatient Occupational Therapy for High School Students Outpatient occupational therapy (OT) is a form of therapy that focuses on helping individuals improve their ability to perform daily activities, including

Occupational Therapy By Age #4: Elementary and Middle School

Understanding Occupational Therapy for Elementary and Middle School Students Occupational therapy (OT) is an essential service that helps students develop the skills they need to participate fully in their education

Occupational Therapy By Age #3: Toddlers

Understanding Occupational Therapy for Toddlers: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers Occupational therapy (OT) is a valuable resource for children, including toddlers, who may face challenges in developing the skills

Occupational Therapy By Age #2: Infants

Understanding Occupational Therapy for Infants: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers As parents and caregivers, we want the best for our children, especially during their early stages of development. It’s

see what we’re up to and follow us